James has had a lot of success in the courts of appeal as well, most notably the unanimous Missouri Supreme Court decision in which he represented the City of De Soto, Missouri in the case of City of De Soto v. Nixon (476 S.W.3d 282 (Mo. 2016)), a constitutional interpretation case. In addition, the following are favorable decisions in the courts of appeal for James's clients: Evers v. Allred (____ S.W.3d______ (Mo. Ct. App. E.D. (2019)) (road maintenance dispute); Suedkamp v. Taylor (578 S.W.3d 408 (Mo. Ct. App. E.D. 2019)) (real estate dispute); Maue v. Fiedler Acres Subdivision, 614 S.W.3d 601 (Mo. Ct. App. E.D. 2020) (road maintenance dispute).